The 'Wisdom' Elixirs 

Our planet contains an ancient trinity that is once again accessible. It's name: “ The Vault of the Sacred Keys”.   The triangle is composed of 3 primary locations containing energetic storage vaults that when unlocked by your ‘key codes’ will awaken, expand & sustain your personal soul path & evolution. 

Sedona, Arizona, Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England & Machu Picchu, Peru are the Grand Trinity.  

In mid 2021 portals were aligned providing an entrance you can unlock as you resonant or vibrate with the appropriate site. Note: There are numerous beautiful, powerful & magnetic sites throughout planet earth. The trinity described is a specific pattern set within the base of the 3 sites when the earth was formed.  

The Red Rock vortexes or temples contain vaults of ancient information you can utilize to awaken, expand & sustain guidance you have been seeking in your life journey.  

How?  You have ‘key codes’ that when aligned with ‘wisdom’ vortexes will provide new pathways of growth. Sedona vortexes are complex hubs of radiating frequencies that bring forth stored, missing, buried, withheld or dormant knowledge plates necessary to guide you upon the next levels of consciousness. Use of your personal codes will re-calibrate you with your higher guidance thus making way for new purpose, direction, choices, spiritual awareness, awakening of latent or unknown talents, creativity & positive inspiration. ‘Sedona Wisdom’ is the first & holds the platform for this expanded journey. It gently removes limiting veils of your personal truth. Opens & stabilizes perception anchoring you in the new as you release the dregs of the old paradigm. You, your counsel of angels & Source energy will monitor your expedition & bring forth only that which serves you in the highest. You are in total control at all times.  

It is not necessary to experience the physical presence in any of the ‘trinity’ locations. You can access & benefit by using the elixir as a KEY to each of these sacred sites. If you have been present in the Sedona area then the elixir will also assist you in retaining the experiences and energy of your actual journey with all the additional benefits detailed above.  

Each bottle comes with a small picture & the symbol shown above.  
An Invitation:  To align spritz 1-2 mists (1) time daily along chakras or upon desired area. This can bring you into & hold a bubble or chamber of protected & receptive centeredness. This is especially useful during meditation, visioning, self healing, manifestation techniques & communication with your inner counsel. 
With blessings of light, love & peace,
Sharra Lyn
Distilled water, essences (Rose Quartz Crystal, Black Kyanite, Wisdom of Sedona Red Rocks, Selenite) alcohol as holding agent.

Essence of Light

Essence of Light
Sedona Wisdom
Guided meditation 
available by 
April 23, 2022.